Contact Us

Have you ever wanted to tell the Parish Council what you think of the services that are provided, wanted to make a complaint but didn’t know who to write to or where to send a letter? There are many ways you can contact us:

Letters of enquiry, complaint or compliment can be sent to:

Horden Parish Council
Horden Social Welfare Centre
Seventh Street
Co Durham


You can call into the Social Welfare Centre during office hours. If you wish to speak to the Parish Clerk, you may need to make an appointment. This can be arranged by telephoning the office in advance.

If you are interested in finding out how the Parish Council make decisions, you are entitled to attend meetings of the Parish Council to observe the proceedings. Meetings of the Parish Council, Parks and Cemetery Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee are held the first Thursday of the month (except August) in the Social Welfare Centre from 6pm. The agenda for the meeting (which details what is to be discussed) is placed on the notice board in the foyer of the Social Welfare Centre on the Friday prior to the meeting.

If you wish to speak at the meeting, all you need to do is contact the Clerk before the meeting. You would be able to speak at the Public Participation section of the meeting, a maximum of 20 minutes is allowed for the public.

Address and telephone details can be found at the bottom of the website.